Dragon Star House Opens Up For The Final Episode

Warning: This article contains major House of the Dragon spoilers… Sunday night’s new episode of Dragon HouseThe series, “Lord of the Tides,” saw the farewell of one of its biggest characters. King Viserys Targaryen had been slowly dying throughout the series up to this point, and fans knew he didn’t have much longer to live. The character ending was more than expected, but it was the biggest potential event in Dragon House So far, he has turned the world of Westeros upside down.

Viserys died at the end Dragon HouseEpisode 8, he tells himself he’s ready to go after making Aliscent think he wants their son to be king. Buddy Considine, who played Viserys throughout Season 1, spoke with The Hollywood Reporter About the character’s somber farewell this week.

“I think the way it’s going is very noble and respectful,” Considine said. He basically suffers from some form of leprosy that creeps into his body, and his bones begin to fail. His lungs begin to fail. He only dies a slow and horrific death. At the end of the day, he looks like an old man. He is not! He is young. He is many years older than his brother Demon. But he is old. And it is a metaphor for what power does to people, though he does not use it for his own gain. He does not get drunk from power, he is in charge. But the demands of being king have their effect on The physical body. So it was fun to play this degradation in. He’s just trying to do good. He can say a few words before he leaves, which I was grateful for.”

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In those final moments of Viserys’ life, Alicent thought he had changed his mind and finally decided to put the fate of the kingdom in the hands of their son, Aegon II. We know that’s not the case, and Rainera probably won’t believe it either. It was his choice to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Unfortunately, you won’t get that chance, at least not in the near future.

As shown in fire and bloodthe book Dragon House On the grounds that Alicent uses Viserys’ death as a way to crown Aegon the new King of Westeros. Putting Aegon in charge is what sparked a civil war with Rhinera known as the Dance of the Dragons, because the King’s daughter knows she’s supposed to be next in line.

What do you think of the last episode of Dragon House? Let us know in the comments!



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